Hi :)
I think open 2 bug-reports?  One for the case where Calc is open and
the other for when it isn't.  I have a feeling that there are 2
separate problems there.

One is that LibreOffice needs to be recognised by Win7 as the default
app for opening documents.  There might be additional problems there
depending on the specific coding for the specific button.  If the
button's coding specifies Excel then that is going to be a tad
difficult for our devs to solve unless given permission (and
incentive) to work on the 3rd party button.

The other is the slow-down leading to an open Calc becoming
greyed-out.  That sounds like something our devs might be able to work
on and might possibly fall within our remit and therefore probably not
require additional incentives.

You are clearly talking about some sort of company with all this.  Do
you have your own developer(s)?  If so could they work with devs fom
other organisations (and volunteers) under TDF's umbrella to fix this
1 (or 2) tasks?
Regards from
Tom :)

On 21 January 2014 10:59, Gianmarco.bertella
<g.berte...@gb-consulenza.it> wrote:
> Hello everybody ,
> I have an intranet page where people push on a button and there for people
> using microsoft excel as default application for spreadsheet automatically
> they have an excel sheet opened with the table "extracted" from the page
> addressed by the link associated to this button (a link like
> "http://server/htmlpage.asp";).
> After installing Libreoffice Calc, if calc is closed , nothing happen on the
> screen , but I can see that 2 process are started soffice.exe and
> soffice.bin. Also after more than 10 minutes nothing happen on the screen.
> If Calc is already opened , the calc windows become gray and it stay
> blocked.
> In fact after pushing on the web button we have a first popup asking us to
> open or save.
> With open we have the blok, if we use SAVE and we rename the file as html
> type , than we can open it with Calc (we have first a popup asking us for
> automatic language for import) and we only need to press OK.
> That last solution I guess could be only used as workaround.
> In your opinion could be a bug or I need to do something to avoid Calc
> "freeze" (options or something else) ?
> test done with S.O. W7 Pro sp1 32bit, W7 enterprise 64 bit.  LO
> (language Italian)
> thanks in advance for your help
> Gianmarco
> g.berte...@gb-consulenza.it
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