On 01/30/2014 12:31 PM, iveand wrote:
Hello All,Is there any way to define customized options at the "system level"
     that won't be overridden when a new version of LibreOffice is
     installed?Right now, we use xmlstarlet to make a few entries in
     /usr/lib/libreoffice/share/registry/main.xcd (and writer.xcd,
     calc.xcd).However, this directory appears to beoverwrittenwhen LibreOffice 
upgrades (on Ubuntu based systems using the
     LibreOffice PPAs).We can "hack around" to make sure that every user's
     registrymodifications.xcu has the values we want (again using
     xmlstarlet), but this seems like an ugly hack.Better to have
     system level settings persistent, and then IF a user's
     registrymodifications.xcu overrides this value, so be it.We also know we 
can modify registrymodifcations.xcu at the /etc/skel
     level, or put registrymodifications.xcu in
     /usr/lib/libreoffice/presets (however, it seems like a bug that this
     file is NOT copied to a users ~/.config/libreoffice folder ... see
     this bug:https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=69609)Again, I am 
thinking it is the cleanest would be if there were a way
     to make the change at the system level, if a user has overridden
     then respect it.So, any pointers on how to define "persistentsystem level
     customized options" would be much appreciated.Thanks,iveand

No idea what specific system integration Ubuntu offers for LibreOffice, but the recommended way to install site-wide configuration settings for stock LibreOffice is via extensions that are installed as shared or bundled. (See <https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/DevGuide/Extensions> for details.)


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