Yes, it may be time to upgrade to some higher version.
14.04 will be out soon, though.

I went from 10.04 to 12.04/MATE and it solved many "problems" I had getting updated packages [not LO] with the bug fixes needed.

Yes, 10.04 should have a 5 year support, but practical issues states that you should think about doing the LTS version upgrading when that version[s] come out. So it "officially" supported, but not by the "independent" developers of needed packages. 12.04 LTS is having that trouble now with 13.10 out.

Setting up a testing partition system is a good thing, but only if you have the space. I have a laptop that I do all my testing on, BEFORE I install the upgrade OS to this desktop. I also have my OS and /home folder[s] in a different partition than most of my data, so I have little that needs to be restored when I wipe 12.04 and do a clean install of 14.04 [soon]. Out of a 500GB partition, I have 318GB free. I tend to do a lot of work off this partition and then move the results to other storage partitions. This is do to the fact that unlike LO, some packages have a difficult time dealing with data files off the /home folder system, including those on other drives as well as other partitions. Why, who knows, but I still have to use a few like that.

So, to answer your original post, download the latest 4.1.x version of LO and test it out. I know that 4.2.0 is out, but if you have any issues with LO, 4.1.4 would let you know it was 10.04 and not the brand new line of 4.2.0. I use 4.1.4 and have no problems with Ubuntu 12.04/MATE setup.

Yes, some people like Unity, and I have used it, but I still like the older GNOME look and feel over the tile based look/feel and the menu bar for the package as the top panel.

On 01/31/2014 05:16 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
You probably can't get a PPA or anything for Ubuntu 10.04 now.  It is
past it's end-of-life.  Generally it is recommended to upgrade to
12.04 LTS (this time 5 years support).  However a lot of people
struggle with the Unity Interface and install Mate or Cinamon.  Other
people have switched to forks (often known as clones) of Ubuntu such
as Mint.  Personally i've found Unity fairly easy once i'd "given it a
fair go".

So, my own personal recommendation would be to create a couple of
extra partitions and install Mint to 1 and Ubuntu 12.04 to at least 1
more and then play around with those a bit until you can work them
out.  That way the GRUB boot-menu still offers you the familiar set-up
for when you need to get things done.

The simple answer is to just download LibreOffice from the official website
and install it just the same as you would on any Debian-family distro
(such as Mint, Ubuntu, Debian, and seemingly endless others) either on
its own
or in parallel with any other version of LibreOffice

Regards from
Tom :)

On 31 January 2014 03:23, Joel Madero <> wrote:
On 01/30/2014 07:15 PM, Yadu Kishore wrote:

Is it possible to install LibreOffice 4.2 on Ubuntu 10.04 ?

I don't see why not but honestly I can't test. Best bet is to purge the
version you have an then install the debian packages that you can find
on -- see if you get any errors upon trying.


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