On 07/02/2014 08:38, Ian Whitfield wrote:

Hi Ian,

For some reason, your question shows up in Thunderbird in the thread
about Andropenoffice, hoping that you haven't hijacked it...

> 1) Where does MySQL store the Database? (I think it's in the root
> somewhere)

It is usually (but not always) stored somewhere in  /var on a Linux
system. On Ubuntu based systems, it seems to be located in "/var/lib/mysql"

> 2) Is it easy to move it into the /home directory?

If you know how to :

- change your my.cnf
- change the ownership and privileges of the new directory to correspond
to those of the user mysql process (i.e. the user that runs the mysqld

> 3) Where do I find the LO front-end form?

In your ODB file. Unzip it and have a look, it'll be in there in a

> 4) If I copy these two files to another machine will I be able to get
> the Database running on this second machine?

No, mysql doesn't work as a single file that you just copy from one
place to another. It takes more work than that. Use a dump (sql file),
or setup the new mysql server on the second machine to be a replicant of
the first - this presupposes that the two machines can be connected
together over the internet or a local LAN, but if you have two machines
on the same subnet, better to just allow the second machine to access
your first machine's mysql server.

> Side question
> I have a couple of graphics/photos in each record - Is it possible to
> 'Link' these instead of embedding them so that if you up-date a photo it
> will automatically update in the Database? If this is possible will it
> effect Base at all? (faster, slower etc)

Only possible with a macro that takes the location and name of the image
file stored in the database as a string, and then convert that to a link
for you on your form and provide some way of displaying it (e.g. shell
function to an outside viewer or loading the file into an image
control). Provided that you don't go and change the name of the file or
its location, the image will always be up to date even if you modify the
image itself.


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