Can you go into the properties to turn off the auto-fills? -
           that's always been my solution.

       [see further comments interspersed below]

From: Carl Paulsen <>
Date: Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 1:04 PM
Subject: [libreoffice-users] MS Office woes
To: "" <>

Just a rant here from someone who is reasonably sophisticated at both LO/OO
and MS Office.  I've had to use MS Office for work lately, and I've run
into a TON of frustrations.  Biggest recent frustrations:

1. The auto-fill and other "aides" in MSO make it much HARDER to construct
formula fields in Excel.  And if I get a formula wrong, it won't let me
leave it in the cell for later troubleshooting (with a #NA value as LO/OO
does).  I have to either fix it or erase it.  But what if I can't fix it
before I have to move on to other things?

       [if you're able to turn off those 'auto's then you should be able to
work as you desire]

2.  The "smart" text select system, which tries to anticipate what you want
to select, forces me to select the period of the previous sentence when
trying to move a sentence to a new location.  I used to be able to
de-select the period by selecting the text from the end to the beginning,
then moving the cursor back off of the period toward the sentence I want to
move.  Not working right now.

       [I'm not sure I understand but if you're attempting to copy, or
move, then paste elsewhere, then there must be a 'bug' in the system  ;-) ]

3.  Biggest frustration (and I've heard talk of this but not experienced it
until last few days) - I've been saving a ton of small spreadsheets as CSV
to move into a database that requires CSV file types.  But if I have to
open them to re-edit, about half of them say they are the "wrong" file type
(extension is .csv, but Excel thinks they are SYLK).  They open fine, but
Excel, which moments before had saved the file as CSV, now thinks it's
SYLK.  HTF does excel NOT know its own file type?

       [haven't a clue here]

Rant done.  Just thought I'd share specific frustrations with LO users.  To
be fair, there are a few minor things I've appreciated in MSO, but the
frustrations are legion.

       [I agree]

Carl Paulsen

Dover, NH 03820

       [very pretty area - especially in the colourful fall]

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