On 02/14/2014 06:51 AM, M. Fioretti wrote:

here is the question, you're welcome to pass it around as much as you
see fit:

what is the ACTUAL, current status of Microsoft Office compliance with
support for the OpenDocument Format? Is there something specific that
isn't supported yet? What, how.. Case stories, tests, reports,
whatever, all pointers are welcome. Thanks in advance!


MSO 2010 and earlier did not support ODF 1.2 only ODF 1.1. I saw somewhere that ODF 1.2 is supported in MSO 2013/Office 365. Since MS has a history of "improving" their own formats each release I do not know if they have not introduced "improvements" which make the alleged ODF 1.2 effectively a proprietary format.

Jay Lozier

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