Hi Malcolm,

I haven't had the same issue as described in this thread, but it may be related. I'm running Ubuntu 13.10 and LibreOffice presently. This situation has happened with all Ubuntu versions and LibreOffice versions in the last at least year and a half, as I update Ubuntu every 6 months, and update LibreOffice running the latest stable version from The Document Foundation as they come out. It has happened on at least 4 different printers. If I am printing multiple copies of a document in LibreOffice, lets say 10 copies, LibreOffice instead of sending 1 print job to the printer telling the printer to make 10 copies, it sends 10 different print jobs to the printer printing 1 copy of each. All other programs I run in Ubuntu send 1 print job for the multiple copies. I found this out by attempting to print 50 copies of a two page document about a year and a half ago, which overwhelmed the printer, and then Ubuntu. If I make a pdf of the document, and then through the document viewer print 50 copies of the same document, it sends one print job telling the printer to print it 50 times. So there is something with LibreOffice and printing in Ubuntu at least, which works differently than all other Linux programs I have used in Ubuntu.


On 02/14/2014 02:24 PM, Malcolm Moore wrote:
LO       connects to CUPS on start not when you want to print       So if you 
have LO open for a while the connection to CUPS        will time out. You need 
to set your CUPS timeout short         enough        so that it will time out 
eventually but long enough so that        CUPS doesn't drop the connection in 
normal use.



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