Jean-Francois Nifenecker has written on 2/15/2014 12:46 PM:
> Le 15/02/2014 18:20, Pikov Andropov a écrit :
>> How do you name an array? 
> (1) Select the array
> (2) Menu Insert > Names > Define
> (3) Enter the name of your choice (no spaces allowed) and hit OK.
> From now on, using the array in a formula is equivalent to the absolute
> reference to this array.
> EG: you select A1:B2 and name it "my_array"
> You may write formulae using the $A$1:$B$2 or the my_array syntax (note
> that you must not use quotes when dealing with array names in formulae).
> That is:
> =SUM($A$1:$B$2)
> or
> =SUM(my_array)
> give the same result
> HTH,

Merci, Jean-Francois!

What's the difference between this kind of named range and the one you
get by doing

Data > Define Range

in step 2?

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