At 11:27 16/02/2014 -0800, Tom Williams wrote:
I selected cells "B2..B5" and used the "Format/Cells" function to change the format to a currency format. I chose the "-$1,234.00" in red format. The numbers in column B were changed accordingly. Then, my friend wanted only the first cell with a number to have a dollar sign and the numbers below it to NOT have a dollar sign. So, I selected cells "B3..B5" and used the "Format/Cells" function to change the format. When the "Format Cells" window appeared, the "Currency" number format was selected, as expected. I went to the "Format code" box and simply removed the "$$" references, leaving the rest of the format code intact. The Category immediately changed to "User Defined", which is fine.

Here's the problem: after the category changes to "User Defined", the modified format code, which is still displayed, doesn't apply to the selected cells ...

Nothing happens until you confirm by clicking OK, of course. But if you mean that the format didn't change even after you clicked OK, then the obvious first possibility is that you had made an error in modifying the string in the "Format code" box and had created something that was not a valid format code. In this case, the format of the selected cells would not change and no new format example would be created in the User-defined category. (You can test this by experiment.)

... and I can't find any way to save the modified currency format as a user defined format I can reuse.

If the new format had been applied but for some reason not been saved in the Format Cells dialogue, then the Format Paintbrush might be a workaround. But if the format has not been applied to your original selection, then the problem is earlier and this is irrelevant.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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