On Sat, 22 Feb 2014 11:39:36 +0000
Tom Davies <tomc...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello Tom,

>Good point!  So you can keep the 400-point font size as long as you
>don't click back in.  That means you can probably print it and do

I should point out that I didn't select any text when I set the 400 point
size.  If I select text then set the point size, the text selected does
change size, and I can click into that area and retain size, etc.

>various things but it is limiting.  For example if you save it then
>open again doe the saved version retain the 400 point?

Yes, I saved and re-opened the file without issue.

>My font size does not readjust after i clcik back in so i can't test
>the parameters of this but it seems like a bug to me.

That depends.  If the OP is setting point size w/o any text selection
and clicking back into the document, I'm not surprised that font
settings are, seemingly, lost.  Why?  Because I find it's very hard to
click in exactly the right spot to hit the cursor at the new font size
delimiting point.  However, extracting the content.xml part of the
saved .odt file shows that the font and size are set, but contain no
text.  At least, that's what I think it's showing.

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
It's becoming an obsession
Teenage Depression - Eddie & The Hot Rods

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