Not sure you've gotten answers to your questions and whether the auction
has come and gone and any answer is moot.

If you still wish answers here are some suggestions I hope you might find

On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 3:05 PM, Pikov Andropov <> wrote:

> Attendees' names and "paddle numbers" will be entered at the start of
> the auction.
> The second phase is the entry of purchased item codes, winning bid
> amounts and paddle numbers of winners.
Third phase is checkout. I was thinking of copying the spreadsheet as it
> existed after phase 2 to a second laptop so that people could checkout
> with last-names-A-through-M going to laptop 1 and N-Z, to laptop 2.
> From your descriptions of phase 1, 2 and 3 I am presuming phases 1 and 2
are done by an individual and only phase three may be done by people
working independently of one another. So one computer, one file to build
the spreadsheet through phase one and two.

> 2. When it's all over, how do I combine the two spreadsheets??
> My answers to your question #2

If you break the spreadsheet into two pieces as you've suggested with A-M
on one and N-Z on another to combine them

at laptop with A-M names..
1. make copy of A-M names spreadsheet as error insurance
2. open original A-M
3. open copy of N-Z spreadsheet on A-M computer (get copy there with thumb
drive perhaps)
4. copy all rows / columns of spreadsheet N-Z
5. paste all just copied rows into spreadsheet A-M at bottom of existing

If you have complete spreadsheets at each computer as I've suggested
at laptop with spreadsheet 1, s1...
1. make copy of s1 spreadsheet as error insurance
2. open original s1
3. open copy of spreadsheet 2, s2, on s1 computer (get copy there with
thumb drive perhaps)
4. copy all rows / columns of spreadsheet s2
5. paste all just copied rows into spreadsheet s1 at bottom of existing data
6. sort spreadsheet by paddle number

Presumably winning bidders will check out at only one computer. So in this
case there will be two rows for each paddle number. One with purchased
items codes, one without.

At your convenience delete the rows that contain only paddle numbers and
names. (came from the spreadsheet on the computer that the bid winner
didn't check out at)

Note: this presumes organization of your spreadsheet as follows...
Stage 1 columns - "name", "paddle no"
Stage 2 columns - "name", "paddle no", {"purch item code", "winning bid

where a paddle holder who purchases more than one item has the additional
items listed on the same row as in...
Stage 2 columns - "name", "paddle no", "purch item code1", "winning bid
amount1","purch item code2", "winning bid amount2"...

If your spreadsheet(s) have a different column configuration please advise
so I may consider other options.


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