Good morning (past midnight again) from Japan
Am I the only one having trouble here?
Today I installed "" (still not available through the official LO
website!) on the note PC running Win7.
Nothing changes.
Although In spend hours trying to figure this out, creating new autotext
entries or categories remains impossible (buttons grayed out)
Yet, this works in LO3.6 as well as in OO 4.1

Am I missing something important?
Since I am writing books, having certain phrases or text blocks
available through autotext would be a GREAT help.

Thank you in advance.

(2014/02/23 22:56), Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:
> Good evening
> I am using LO 3.6 on two desktop machines (Win XP) and recently upgrade
> a note PC (Win 7) to 4.1 something.
> Tonight I tried to create an "autotext entry".
> While I can do that in 3.6, I found that most of the buttons in the
> autotxt dialog box in the newer version are greyed out.
> Meaning, I can neither record a new text entry nor create a new category.
> I do suppose, there is a trick to it somewhere.
> If so, I would really like to know it, BEFORE I upgrade my two work
> machines in order to prevent all the
> trouble that come with "going back to the good old times" ...
> (why does everything that was working just fine always has to change -
> in often incomprehensible ways?)
> Thank you in advance.
> Thomas

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