Hi :)
What worries me now is that the next stage of the process appears to
be that after seeking thoughts from the general populace they then put
it through a panel of 'experts'.  Who chooses these experts and on
what basis?  (that was a rhetorical question)  So, now i can see why
MS made so little effort to post comments in this stage of the
process.  From the Uk Gov's website

How we select standards
Through the Standards Hub anyone can get involved in the process of
prioritising and helping us to select open standards for government
There are five groups of people involved in selecting and implementing
open standards:

Government technology officials
Challenge owners
Standards panels
Open Standards Board

There are also five phases in our approach:

How likely is it that any of the "Government technology officials" are
committed to MS?  Are any from Redhat, Canonical, FSF, TDF, openSuSE
or anywhere else not completed committed to MS?  There doesn't seem to
be a list of them anywhere nor a list of the criteria that got them
selected in the first place.  Similarly with the "Challenge Owners",
"Standards Panels" (are these selected from among people working on
ISO standards?) and the "Open Standard Board".  For this last group we
finally get a list of names and some minimal disclosure.

Open Standards Board - members and biographies

The Board members are:

Liam Maxwell, Government Digital Service (Chair)
John Atherton, Surevine
Alex Brown, Griffin Brown Digital Publishing Ltd
Adam Cooper, Bolton University
Matthew Dovey, Jisc
Paul Downey, Government Digital Service
Lee Edwards, London Borough of Redbridge
Tim Kelsey, NHS England
John Sheridan, The National Archives
Jeni Tennison, Open Data Institute
Chris Ulliott, CESG

Without even looking up any of these i can see some that raise alarm.
NHS England is allegedly deeply committed to Microsoft, according to
the comments, having just signed a huge contract with them
(allegedly).  So this person could well even be an employee of MS.
The "Open Data Institute" sounds good but could easily be like the
sort of smoke-screen used in "office open XML".  Also i'm concerned
that the final board there wont even see the original comments and
press releases from the "Users".  If they do there have been 3 layers
of 'experts' groups able to undermine or twist anything posted in this
initial stage.

I'm not sure who to write to about my concerns with the process.  Is
the BoD "on the case" with any of this or does it just stop with the
press release and just a vague hope that it will all magically work
out well?
Regards from
Tom :)

On 4 March 2014 11:41, Tom Davies <tomc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi :)
> Thanks Dr Som :)   I wish i had realised i could edit my own posts
> earlier so that when i cringed at some of my own grammar i could have
> fixed it on the spot.  Also it might have been good to proof-read
> others and maybe get others to proof-read mine.  My one that appeared
> just after the official TDF one would have been better elsewhere.  As
> it is it's probably going to suffer from "too long; didn't read" and
> it repeats some of the things already said much better in the official
> post.  On the other hand it does mean all the posts look quite fresh
> and lively rather than over-worked.
> Thanks and regards from
> Tom :)
> On 3 March 2014 04:28, som <drsoumalya-l...@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
>>> I can't believe i hadn't said that earlier!!  It was a great "press
>>> release" :))
>> totally agree
>>> A few comments
>>> pointed out that Google-docs doesn't use ODF.  However Google
>>> themselves posted there own statement saying that they support this
>>> proposal to use ODF.
>> actually that is partial truth and not the whole truth. users were right, 
>> google does not support ODF totally. gmail has a very nice feature - when an 
>> email has an attachment, you could simply click on it and a preview will be 
>> open. you could go through the preview and decide if you want to download it 
>> or not. this preview feature is supported for ".docx",".xlsx", .doc. .pdf 
>> but not for ".odt,.ods". so from this you could come to a conclusion that 
>> google does not support ODFs.
>> however, if you save the file into google drive and then try to convert it, 
>> it is possible to do so even with ODFs. so, google drive does support ODF.
>> as i was saying, both were partially correct.
>>> Hopefully other governments will be able to see that the attempt was
>>> made and that through failure ensured that the Uk continues to pay far
>>> more than any other European Government on IT and has the lowest
>>> performance as a result.  Meanwhile other governments that HAVE
>>> ALREADY broken free or that DO break freak free continue to find huge
>>> cost-savings, plummeting costs and rapidly as a result.
>> amen to that!
>> regards,
>> som
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