Hi :)
Do people know how to use templates that you send them?  Perhaps it's
a case of user-error on the part of the chap(ess) who sent you the

Sorry, i'm sure someone else probably has a better answer but i
thought it best to "chip in" with this idea before going any
complicated route!
Regards from
Tom :)

On 6 March 2014 08:32, HdV <hdv.ja...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> We use a template for our presentations in Impress. Recently I had someone
> create a new presentation from that template, but when I received the file 
> back
> from him I noticed that on most slides (all except the first and last) the
> footer from the slide master was gone in the actual slides (it is still there
> though in the master itself). I tried to re-apply the master to those slides,
> but that did not help.
> As I noticed that for some slides the layout was changed too I also tried re-
> applying the layout, hoping that would somehow help. Sadly, it didn't.
> Anyone had this problem before?
> If this is a bug, does anyone know of a workaround?
> As an easy way out I tried to copy the slides from the "corrupt" version to a
> new file, but the copied slides in the new file still show the same problem.
> Does anyone know of a way to paste slides without pasting the master and
> layout parts? Say a "paste text and images only, but not look and feel"
> option?
> Regards,
> HdV
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