On 03/08/2014 06:15 PM, Brian Barker wrote:
> At 17:18 08/03/2014 -0800, Tom Williams wrote:
>> A friend of mine has LibreOffice 4.2.1 installed alongside MS Office
>> 2010 Starter Edition on his Windows 7 system.  He received an Excel
>> spreadsheet via email which he can open just fine in both Excel and
>> Calc.   The problem is when he opens the file in Calc, it opens with
>> the page zoom set to 60%.  When he opens the file in Excel, it opens
>> with page zoom set to 100%.  Because of this, he didn't think he
>> could edit the file in Calc since he couldn't read the info.  He
>> wasn't aware of the page zoom capability of either application.  :)
> Experimentation suggests that the zoom factor in use when the document
> file is saved is stored in the document, with the effect that it can
> be reopened with the same appearance.  This is the case whether the
> document is saved as .xls, .xlsx, or .ods.  Calc appears to respect
> the saved zoom factor in each case, but Microsoft Office 2010, whilst
> it respects the zoom saved in .xls and .xlsx files, ignores that in
> .ods files - even when saved by Microsoft Office itself.
>> Any ideas as to why Calc would open the spreadsheet with a page zoom
>> of 60%?
> Presumably it was being displayed at a zoom factor of 60% and was
> saved as an .ods file.
> I trust this helps.
> Brian Barker
Thanks for the information.  I'll do some experimentation with the
particular file in question and see what happens.



/When we dance, you have a way with me,
Stay with me... Sway with me.../

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