
I tried Tom's suggestion and opened the file with Gnumerics. This awesome little program opened the spreadsheet and let me know what was wrong with it:

Unable to load the file ''. Unable to load the file ''. Unable to load the file ''. Unable to load the file ''. Unable to load the file ''. Unable to load the file ''. Unable to load the file ''.

At one time I had copied & pasted some information from my retirement account into the spreadsheet. Unless I'm logged into my Fidelity account, none of these URLs will work.

Now I have 3 questions:

1) Why doesn't LO tell us what the problems are like Gnumerics does instead of stalling for 20 minutes or more?
2) Why is the timeout period so long? 20 minutes? Really?
3) When we copy & paste a webpage why is LO storing links to images instead of the actual images?

Anyway, at least now I know how to fix this.


On 3/12/2014 11:11 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
Also wondering what the memory setting are like

Tools - Options - Memory

On most machines you can bump al those values right up.  the defaults
are for very low spec machines.

How large/heavy is the spreadsheet?  If it's over 10Mb then that might
explain it.  Does it have lots of embedded images in it?  Could those
be just linked to rather than embedded?

Have you tried using Gnumeric for that spreadsheet?  Gnumeric is a
dedicated spreadsheeting program so it's far more sophisticated than
Calc/Excel for some things.  Quite a few people have it alongside
LibreOffice or other office suite for use when they need something
really serious.

Regards from
Tom :)

On 12 March 2014 07:39, pete nikolic <> wrote:
On Tue, 11 Mar 2014 22:25:32 -0400
Alan B <> wrote:

On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 9:21 PM, William Drago <>wrote:

I have a spreadsheet that stalls when I try to open it and when I try to
save it. It does eventually open after a very long time. I

Just looking for confirmation the issue is with only one particular

Calc on Ubuntu does this to me fairly often with any spreadsheet. I filed a
bug report but I don't think there's active interest in it. When the report
was filed I got a suggestion to upgrade, did so and the problem stopped.
Now, a few Ubuntu patches later, and the stall when open behavior is back.

My work around has been Apache OpenOffice. When I get tired of the stalling
(and it's only Calc not Write or other programs) I start using AOO Calc.
Usually after a few LO patches are part of the Ubuntu updates the stalling

So... if is a problem with any spreadsheet, check if there is a newer LO
and install that to see if the issue is resolved.

If the issue isn't resolved by upgrading LO consider installing AOO and try
opening the spreadsheet with AOO Calc. If the problem persists when the
spreadsheet is opened with AOO Calc it is definitely the spreadsheet.

Regardless of trying AOO, if it is only one particular spreadsheet, a bit
more information would be helpful trying to diagnose the problem.

- did this spreadsheet always act this way?
  - if no,
   -- what changes were made to the computer between the time the
spreadsheet last opened normally and first opened slowly? i.e., add/remove,
upgrade, or patch software
   -- what changes were made to the spreadsheet between the time it last
opened normally and it first opened slowly? ie, add borders to cells,
create new formulas, add more data


Just a suggestion from personal experience .

I use Presents quite a lot  i was having problems with very slow opening of
certain  ODP files  like 2 to 3 mins   .

I started having problems logging into my user on the system  so bit the bullet
thought  sod it created another user moved some important  stuff to the new user
No more slow opening problems   .

Like i said at the start just a suggestion from personal experience

Pete .

Linux 7-of-9 3.13.6-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Mar 7 22:47:48 CET 2014 x86_64

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