On 3/25/2014 5:34 PM, Dale Erwin wrote:
How would you define a paragraph style to handle a dictionary entry such as this:

*canuscere*/v.t./ to know, to be familiar with.

I see my formatting was lost on that example. The headword "canuscere" would be in 11 pt. boldface, while the rest of the line would be in 9 pt. normal, except that the "v.t." would be italicized.

You've got two things going on here, as I see it. The *paragraph* style would determine the primary font and style of the paragraph (9 pt. normal) along with paragraph indents and any extra space above or below the paragraph. The boldface "canuscere" and italicized "/v.t./" would not be controlled by the paragraph style. They could either be controlled through direct character formatting, or with a character style, (defined as either 11-point boldface or 9-point italics). Then, you would apply the paragraph style to the whole paragraph and then the character style to the individual words to which they would apply.

Quite honestly, I rarely use character styles, but in this case where you're changing two characteristics (9 points to 11 and normal weight to boldface), the character style would help ensure consistency throughout the document. With the italicized "/v.t./" I don't see any advantage to using a characters style as you're only changing one feature (normal to italics). Just highlight the text and hit <ctrl-i> and you're done.


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