Virgil Arrington wrote:
> At the risk of beating a horse to death, today I stumbled on an online
> rant against MS-Word.

The first word processor I used, as opposed to line oriented text
editors, was the one that came with VAX VMS on the VAX 11/780.  Later, I
used PC-Write, on DOS, and then Describe, on OS/2, at home and Wordstar
2000 at work.  Fortunately, I've never been in a position at work where
I couldn't install OpenOffice or LibreOffice, to avoid using Word.  When
I was at IBM, I also used Lotus Smart Suite.  I have also used Word
Perfect 5.2, but preferred Wordstar 2000.

When I set up computers these days, I always install OpenOffice and/or
LibreOffice.  On Windows systems, I also include the Microsoft viewers. 
I haven't installed Microsoft Office anywhere, since the days of Word 6.

I have long paid attention to the dirty tricks MS has used to force
market share.  As a result, I always try to promote alternatives.  I run
Linux on my home computers, previously OS/2.  I only have one computer,
my notebook, that has Windows installed, but that's only because it came
with it.  It spends most of it's time running Linux.

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