At 11:15 21/04/2014 -0400, Sean Darcy wrote:
On 04/21/2014 08:55 AM, Kevin O'Brien wrote:
On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 6:44 PM, Sean Darcy wrote:
With libreoffice-writer-, I'm trying to write a simple business letter:

first page : header  company logo
              footer  contact info
next pages : header addressee and date
              footer none
appendix  :  no header
              no footer

So I've modified the "first page" style for headers and footers. Set Next style as "default style". Modified default style for headers, Next style is default style. Next created page style appendix, no headers or footers. Set next style as "appendix".

I write the 3-4 page letter. Get to signatures, and insert a manual page break. On the new page I double click appendix page style. That changes the page style for ALL the pages to "appendix".

What am I doing wrong?

By design, a Page Style will normally affect the entire document.

No, that's not true. Page styles can change either through the Next Style setting as the text flows naturally to another page, or else as explicitly changed at a manual page break.

If you want to have different parts of the document use different Page Styles, I would suggest that you create Sections. Each section can have its own Page Style.

Sorry, but that's not true either. Sections can start and finish within pages, so it's obvious that they cannot be related to page styles, or two sections (partly?) on the same page could have competing page styles.

OK, I'll try to learn Sections, but from the description it's not designed for this.

You are right: sections are not the solution here.

OTOH, Page Styles seems to be what I need:

Exactly so.

I just can't seem to make it work. I can't be the only person who uses different Page Styles in the same document.

I'm not sure if I was too terse, but I gave you the answer to this in my earlier message (before this reply of yours). What happened when you tried what I suggested?

You are quite right that, in the situation you describe, changing the page style at a manual page break is exactly what you need. But you have to do it the way that works, not the way that doesn't. You say that you inserted a manual page break and then applied the "appendix" page style to the region after the break. That doesn't work. Instead, you have to indicate the new page style in the process of creating that break.

o Put the cursor at the top of the page immediately after your manual page break.
o Press Backspace to delete the page break.
o Now go to Insert | Manual Break... to reinsert the page break. Under Type, select "Page break" - but this time, under Style, *click the down arrow to show a drop-down menu of page styles and select your "appendix" style from the list*. Only then click OK.


I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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