George Roberts wrote:
> Is there any connection between Libre and Open Office?
> The reason I ask, I downloaded Open Office, did a spreadsheet, and on
> advice, was told Libre was better, so I downloaded Libre.
> Then I did a copy/paste of my spreadsheet from OO to Libre, but the heading
> still shows as Open Office.
> So, thinking it was because it was a copy/paste, I produced a sample
> spreadsheet called dates using Libre, and open office is still shown in the
> saved title name?
> Could it be because I have not uninstalled Open Office yet?

LibreOffice is a fork from OpenOffice, created when Oracle hadn't
decided what to to with OpenOffice & StarOffice.  So, there is a lot of
similarity between them.  However, what are you referring to by
"heading"?  If it's something you put in the document, it will always
show, no matter what app you use.

You can have both OpenOffice and LibreOffice on the same computer, but
only one can be the default app for the various file formats.

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