I seem to have missed the OP's posting. Jumping in at the middle with my following order of usage:

Writer    For text documentation
Calc        For budgets and tabular lists
Base       For inventories and fixed asset accounting
Draw      For figures in documents, PDF form filling
Impress   Looking at powerpoint files sent to me

Girvin Herr

On 05/11/2014 03:45 PM, anne-ology wrote:
        an interesting survey -
            as for me:

Writer  - prefer this to any other text program; use to write, ...
Calc - don't use since still do manually  ;-)
Impress - use to use for presentations, then would convert to video; now
skip that 1st step
Base - don't use since still do manually - (well, old-fashioned with good,
artistic hand-writing)
Draw - have not gotten the hang of drawing with these machines; they just
don't look as appealing as done by hand  ;-)

From: Virgil Arrington <cuyfa...@hotmail.com>
Date: Sun, May 11, 2014 at 4:53 PM
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Which components do you use most?
To: "users@global.libreoffice.org" <users@global.libreoffice.org>

I'm curious to find out what components of LO are used most by the people
on this list. I think it helps to know different folks' area of experience.
It might also help us in learning new ways to integrate the different
components. For myself, my approximate usage is:

Writer     (85% of my use of LO)
Calc        (10%)
Impress  (3%, Maybe four to five presentations a year)
Base       (once a year to print out labels for my Christmas cards)
Draw      (What's that?)


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