An anti-English troll- that's a new one for this list.  :)

I can't say that I've studied every language in the world, but I did study French, New Testament Greek and Ancient Hebrew. Guess what? They ALL have weird rules, exceptions and strange words.

This would be due to the fact that languages are mostly used by humans who can be a little bit creative.

I studied some rigidly conformist languages but they were rather dull. As far as I know there is no equivalent for "I love you" in BASIC, FORTRAN or C++

Keith- whose name disproves the i before e rule

On 22/05/14 10:37, Mark LaPierre wrote:
English sucks as a language anyway. It's a conglomeration of words grafted on from many other real languages that mostly still adhere to the rules of the original language. The result is that English has no consistent rules without the ever present, "Except", word. This paragraph contains one of the prime examples. I almost all cases adding apostrophe "s" on the end of a word denotes ownership, i.e. Tom's car, but to indicate ownership with the word it the 's' is added without the apostrophe. Of course its could also indicate multiple quantities of its. Then there are words like disgruntled. Has anyone ever been gruntled? Then too as in also, two as in one more then one, and to as in where you are going. There's lead as in the heavy metal, lead as in being shown the way, lead as in showing the way.

God bless you

Keith Bates
4 Mooloobar St

Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life

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