To preserve leading 0's in a spreadsheet type the number with an apostrophe before it. For example, instead of typing 1234, type '001234. That will preserve the leading 0's.

If I don't care about formatting in the spreadsheet, I'll add the leading 0's in the code that does the passing. Typically I read the cell, convert to string, pad with the appropriate number of 0's, then write to the database.


On 5/31/2014 7:34 PM, Oogie McGuire wrote:
I'm tearing my hair out here.

I have a spreadsheet and the data was originally entered as 4 digits. I need to pass 
it to a database system that requires 6 digits. I've tried formatting with 2 leading 
zeros but I still cannot get the number to properly show up as 00<number>

Any ideas?

Eugenie (Oogie) McGuire
Desert Weyr, LLC - Black Welsh Mountain Sheep
LambTracker - Open Source SW for Shepherds
Paonia, CO USA

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