
thank you for your answer.

Indeed when I look at the formatting after saving and reopening the file, the 
formatting changed from #0,00# to #0,000 .

All predefined number formats are saved, and restored upon reopening. If I 
define a user-defined format, it is all over sudden not saved...
Also, if I save in MS .xlsx format it comes up fine in both MS-Excel (Excel for 
Mac 2011, V14.0.0 (100825)). If I open that file with LO it has also my defined 
formatting still available.

Regardless what the technical cause is for this, it is at least user 
Questions to be asked:
- What use has a user defined number format, if it can't be saved? 
- If this is indeed a restriction in the ODF definition, why is LO not warning 
like "The defined format can not be saved in the desired file format"?
- Why does LO consider the format change a change in the first place? (If I 
open the file, change the format as I like it, it is considered changed, while 
the file stays exactly the same)
- Should we consider this as a flaw in de ODF definitions? Where can we 
complain about this?

So, in my opinion LO behaves inconsequent at least!



Op 29 jun. 2014, om 10:39 heeft Brian Barker het volgende geschreven:

> At 19:42 28/06/2014 +0200, Rob Jasper wrote:
>> I have a calc spreadsheet (.ods) ...
>> So I select the columns and change the formatting to #.##0,00#
>> This works as expected. Above values are still displayed as before, but 
>> values 0,125 (for 12 and a half cents) are displayed with 3 digits.
>> Here is an example before save/reopen:
>> [...]
>> 2       1852    ƒ       0,10    0,005
>> 4       1864    ƒ       0,125   0,05
>> If I now save and close the spreadsheet, and open it again all values are 
>> all of a sudden displayed with 3 digits behind the decimal comma! This is 
>> what it becomes when I open the file:
>> 2       1852    ƒ       0,100   0,005
>> 4       1864    ƒ       0,125   0,050
>> Is this bad behavior of LO calc or am I missing something here?
> What you don't tell us is what the formatting looks like after you reopen the 
> document. I suspect it will have changed from #.##0,00# to #.##0,000 . In 
> other words, Calc is accepting your original formatting and faithfully 
> displaying the values as you wish, but is not managing to preserve this 
> requirement in the saved document.
> The definition of ODF says that the format code is "a sequence of characters 
> with an implementation-defined meaning", so clearly it cannot be saved in the 
> document file exactly as you enter and see it. A bit of experimentation 
> suggests that instead, an explanation of the format is included in the 
> "styles" element, and this allows only such things as "decimal-places", 
> "grouping" (whether you want the thousands separator), "currency-symbol", 
> "min-exponent-digits", and so on. This would suggest that your desired 
> format, although acted upon by Calc, indeed cannot be saved in an .ods file 
> and is lost when you attempt this.
> The only remaining odd thing is that the help text suggests that "#.0#" will 
> display "13 as 13.0 and 1234.567 as 1234.57" - which is exactly the 
> functionality you require. Whilst this is true in the application, it's 
> evidently not possible to preserve it in a saved document.
> An obvious workaround is to create text values in a new column, using 
> =TEXT(Xn;"#.##0,00#") - which you can then right-align if you prefer. You can 
> continue to use the actual numerical values in calculations, whilst hiding 
> that column if you prefer. If you need to enter values in the numerical 
> column, an alternative technique would be to have another area - perhaps on 
> another sheet - where a copy with properly formatted values was created. You 
> could then print just that area or sheet.
> I trust this helps.
> Brian Barker
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