Steve Edmonds wrote:

On 2014-06-21 10:19, Cigydd wrote:
Alternatively, I just remembered Steve Edmonds pointed out in another
recent thread that there's an option under Tools > Options > Load/Save >
General > Load printer settings with the document.

Turning that off (together with setting the default printer to one which
is always available, such as PDFCreator) might help you, in a much more
convenient way!

Thumbs up for this one! Turning that setting off cut the delay back to
1min for some files and for others it removed the delay completely.
And setting also PDF Creator as the default printer removed the delays
completely for all my files!

Worked like a charm. Thank you guys again for all your help. LibreOffice
is working for me again. It has a living, helping and clever community.
You did it. We did it.
Yippee ;-)

Pavel a. k. a. Cigydd

Was a bug ever filed for this.

I'm not sure that it is a bug. LO is trying to contact the printer specified by the user. The printer is not responding, so it takes some time before giving up. Changing the settings so that LO doesn't try contacting that printer fixes the problem.

I have had similar problems so filed a bug but it may be

That looks like it's to do with files not showing up on shared folders - nothing to do with printers?

I just updated from LO 3.6 to 4.1.6 on OSX 10.68. 3.6 was working fine.
If I go to open a file from LO and navigate to a network share no files
show in the share. If I cancel LO hangs and has to be killed.
I can see the files in OSX finder (file explorer).
I can open a file from finder (open with LO).

Once I have at least one file opened from the network share (via finder)
I can then see files on the share from within LO file open dialogue.

I don't know much about OSX, but it seems like the network drive isn't being mounted when opening from LO, but it works if already mounted (e.g. by browsing to the folder from the OS's file browser).

Does Tools > Options > LibreOffice > General > Open/Save dialogue boxes > de-select "Use LibreOffice dialogue boxes" help at all? (If that option is available on OSX). If it does, that would be worth mentioning on the bug report.

Save as works ok

Just found if I disable load printer settings with file all is ok.

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