At 11:11 09/07/2014 +0200, Ian Whitfield wrote:
I have several of Spreadsheets that work with monthly figures. They also have columns with calculations of these figures. (ie Totals, averages etc). At the moment I get a lot of 'DIV by Zero' results ...

Then you must have your formulae wrong.

... and the current total repeating BELOW the current month.

Er, one can only guess what you might be trying to do.

Is there a way to only show calculated results on "active" (ie current) month rows?? Maybe the equivalent of the old 'If - Then' Basic function. (If there is a figure >0 in column B then calculate column C.

Yes: there is the IF() function: is that a close enough equivalent? Just put
=IF(condition;expression-for-true;expression-for-false) .
Your expression for false may well be consecutive double-quote marks, representing the null string.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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