
I'm concerned with Base, but I have some things to put together for next
Fri. which will be the data in some report.  No big deal - just a
starting point.  Since time is tight, do you think I would be smarter to
continue with Base/HSQL, or go to Base as the front tend and MySQL or
MariaDB as the back end now?  For this week, my data requirements are
only 150KB, two tables, four queries, 1 report (my estimates as I type).

MySQL has some graphic front-ends for creation and admin., but I don't
think MariaDB has this (yet), though there are some third party software
that may do the same thing.  So while MariaDB has the buzz, I may be
better off with MySQL and linve with Oracle - at least for now.

For desktop use, there is also Kexi.  Ever use it and any comments?  I
would consider this as an interim step that will tide me over for at
least a few months.

My big concern is time.  Learning MySQL/MariaDB is not something I'll do
in a day, so this may have to be a longer term project.


> Hi Dave
> My penny's worth - I battled with plain Base for about 3 years. 
> Horrendous crashes and freezes and the amount of data I "lost" and had 
> to re-enter was unbelievable!!! (I'm a single user, single machine 
> running with Linux as my OpSys). Every time Base goes down it takes the 
> entire Database with it!!!!! So the only way round it is to make copies 
> every time you add data so that when it crashes you can rename the copy 
> and get going again. You WILL lose data I promise you!!
> I did everything I could but no luck. It then became obvious to me that 
> the problem was the embedded DB so I took the plunge and moved to MySQL 
> last year. I've had NO crashes or lost data since then. It's as solid as 
> a rock!!
> My recommendation would be to START right now with MySQL (or other 
> backend). Base as a front end is great as long as the backend is solid!!
> Just my opinion for what it's worth but I speak from hard experience!!!
> Best wishes
> IanW
> Pretoria RSA.
  dave boland

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