At 13:47 20/07/2014 -0400, Charles Marcus wrote:
... we keep sales for Sales by month, with the Sales Rep in a Row and each month in a column... So something like this:
Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul   Aug   Sep   Oct   Nov   Dec   YTD
Sales Rep
Rep 1
Rep 2

What I'm trying to do is come up with a formula that can go in the YTD column that will SUM only Jan thru Jul for each Rep - and automatically change to SUM Jan thru Aug once we hit 8/1, etc... Anyone have a clue? I've tried so many different permutations of SUMIF(), SUM(INDIRECT()), etc, and just can't figure this one out...

Are you perhaps making heavy weather of this? What is in the cells for months that have not so far occurred? Surely they must be blank or zero: how can the reps have made sales before the month begins? If you sum the values for all the months, the result will become the sum for the year to date as the various monthly values are entered.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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