Completely as an aside...

On Sat, 09 Aug 2014 17:49:03 -0400
Pikov Andropov <> wrote:

> Tom Davies wrote on 8/9/2014 2:25 PM:
> > Italo's techno-babble was brilliant and i thought fairly easy to
> > understand.  It's good to have it laid out so clearly! 
> I don't think you mean "techno-babble", Tom. "Technobabble refers to
> the use of terms from mathematics, science, or engineering
> incorrectly, in order to create a false sense of technical solidity
> around a field or concept."

Technobabble does *not* have to be terms used incorrectly. Technobabble
is any use of technical terms that, because they are not really
understood, are just babble to the listener.


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