It looks like each book should only have one of the "ReadStatus" flags set, so I'd make that an enum field on the BookInformation table, with possible values of "Not Read", "Reading" and "Read". You can set the default value for the field to "Not Read" so a new record will be set to that status if no value is specified for that field.

"NumberOfBooksByAuthor" and "ReadBooksByAuthor" are not needed on the "AuthorInfo" table - you can get those by querying the database. I may have the syntax slightly wrong here, but along the lines of: SELECT `ai`.`AuthorID`, `ai`.`AuthorName`, COUNT(`bi`.`BookID`) from `AuthorInfo` `ai` LEFT JOIN `BookInformation` `bi` ON `bi`.`AuthorID` = `ai`.`AuthorID` GROUP BY `ai`.`AuthorID`
should give the number of books by each author. Add:
  AND `bi`.`ReadStatus` = "Read"
to the ON condition and you can get the number of read books by each author.

That's the kind of thing a database enables you to do much more easily than with a spreadsheet ;o)


Joel Madero wrote:
Hi All,

So I went back to planning stage. Link to what I think might work -
hoping to get the planning stage done today so I can start actually
putting together the db - I have 3 days off so now's a good time for me
to get the basic structure together :) Thanks in advance!


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