Brian, Brilliant, thank you for this. That's one more tool on my bag.
On Sep 8, 2014 9:52 AM, "Brian Barker" <> wrote:

> At 15:53 07/09/2014 -0700, Jerry Noname wrote:
>> Is there a way to get Writer to preserve the tab indenting from the
>> previous line on which I was typing?
> I hope not. If you indent the first line of a paragraph using a tab
> character and you want this behaviour repeated, you would have tab
> characters at the beginning of every line. So far so (apparently) good. But
> then what happens when you edit the text and material flows naturally
> between lines? The tabs flow into positions other than at the beginning of
> the lines and you get a mess!
>  For instance, let's suppose that the left hand edge of this message is
>> the left margin of a Writer document.
>> This is my first line of typing. <Press Enter>
>> <tab> Type another line. <Press Enter>
>> Now I want this line to begin at the same place as the previous line, at
>> the "T" in the word "Type".
> It's interesting here that, although you said you wanted this behaviour
> for consecutive lines, you now explain that you want it for separate
> *paragraphs*. Paragraphs, not lines, are what you get if you separate the
> items by pressing Enter, of course.
>  I don't want to have to use auto formatting, I get all mixed up with that
>> stuff.
> The solution to "getting all mixed up" is to learn how to use the
> facilities properly, so you are not "mixed up" - not to dismiss the
> facilities that the product provides.
>  I just want subsequent lines to preserve the tabs in the previous line,
>> unless I press Backspace.
> No: you don't want any tabs (unless you are using a typewriter); you want
> persistent indentations.
>  Is there a setting somewhere to do this?
> Yes. You can set an indentation in the paragraph properties or the
> paragraph style properties. More simply, you can use the Increase Indent
> button in the Formatting toolbar. You can do any of these before or after
> you type the material, or at any point whilst you are doing so. In any
> case, pressing Enter to start a new paragraph will preserve the current
> indentation. You can remove the indentation using the paragraph or
> paragraph style dialogues or the Decrease Indent button in the Formatting
> toolbar. If you put the cursor at the start of any paragraph, you can also
> cancel its indentation using Backspace, as you desire.
> I trust this helps.
> Brian Barker
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