This is what Brian is trying to explain...

You've got 6 samples. The first one taken at 12:04PM, the last one at 12:36PM.

The total elapsed time is 12:36PM - 12:04PM = 22 minutes.

22 divided by 5 (always the total number of readings minus 1) = 6.4 minutes or 6m and 24s per interval.

Adding 6:24 to 12:04PM gives you the time of the second reading, 12:10:24PM. Enter that value into cell B2.

Now we make the computer do the work for all remaining readings. Follow these instructions carefully:

Highlight cells B1 and B2. Hover the mouse over the little black square in the lower right hand corner of the the highlighted cells until it turns into a cross (+). Now hold the left mouse button down and drag the mouse downward. As you drag the mouse each cell will fill with the correct time stamp.

You will end up with this:

12.7   12:04:00 PM
8.9    12:10:24 PM
3.5    12:16:48 PM
2.1    12:23:12 PM
7.2    12:29:36 PM
6.1    12:36:00 PM

If you want to use 1S as your interval the just enter 12:04:01PM in B2 and drag the mouse as explained above.

Hope that helps...


On 9/8/2014 8:29 PM, office76#xt wrote:
Thanks Brian for the reply,
                                                   The data acquisition
device samples at "approximately 1 sample per second" not a nice fixed
sample rate.  And unfortunately time stamps the first and last sample only.

If the sample values are in column A1, then I'd like an "approximate"
time-line in the cells between the start logging and stop logging times in
column B2.

What I'm after is to look at my notes taken at different times (the time
noted) during logging, and identify the approximate sample that corresponds
to them.

I'm afraid I don't understand your example as it looks like you have the
samples in a row not a column.

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