Thanks Tom,

I think your post states the case very well. Without a Windows machine I suspect this nut is practically impossible to crack. The potential client may have Access and, if so, be willing to export his tables (as text files or whatever)--if so, I should be able to rebuild his bases in Base.

I don't like MS and won't use their products again, but feel I must say I made a good living using Access for years and really appreciated the program--just not the nightmare world of strings attached. I'm really glad to have Base to replace it.

Thanks for your time and attention.


On 10/08/2014 03:08 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
I think Alex and Werner are giving good answers but you'll need to find
some way of temporarily borrowing a Windows machine in order to help.

Access is part of the whole vendor lock-in thing that MS seems to do so
well.  They don't seem to want to make it easy for people to use other
products to read their stuff as that seems to ensure that people 'have to'
keep buying into their products.

Once people DO start using non-MS alternatives they tend to find it easy to
move between a variety of different programs and tools quite easily.  They
also tend to never go back to MS tools because MS tools just aren't as safe
and reliable and don't perform so well either.

So, MS seems to have to create as many blockers as possible to avoid people
just quickly trying out alternatives.  They can't seem to compete on
quality or in "fair markets"

However people have been able to migrate their databases out of Access and
into Base.
Regards from
Tom :)

On 8 October 2014 10:48, Alex Thurgood <> wrote:

Le 07/10/2014 20:46, m. nease a écrit :

I'd like to do some work on Access databases (.accdb files) but haven't
been able to access(!) them using Base (and have no MS OS or MS
Office--happily).  Is this possible?
To assist in migration, also check out this Windows-only, GPL tool :


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