Hi :)
I know it was only an alpha-release but it fits the idea of "release early
and release often" rather than trying to produce something too perfect and
then finding that no-one uses it.

If it's possible to get it onto the Extensions website
then maybe more people could attempt to use it and maybe post bug-reports,
and maybe even help develop it further (Gpl, LGpl. Mpl or whatever
copy-left license seems best (ideally same as other Extensions use)).

I guess i can imagine a few finesses that probably wouldn't even be useful
to most people.  So, feedback and comments would become useful.  The
Extensions website seems set-up to handle that sort of thing.

Errr, zipped images are often not hugely smaller than their original size.
The advantage is that the zip-file ends up being a container holding all
the different bits together.  Scaling reduces image's byte-size far more.

Regards from
Tom :)

On 2 November 2014 21:56, Cley Faye <cleyf...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >
> > The odt file is a compressed zip archive. Compressing the contained
> > pictures would hardly reduce the file size.
> That's not true. The point was (if I remember this thread correctly) that
> when designing the document, you have high-definition pictures, say
> 1200dpi, and those takes a lot of space. Now, if you want to output this
> for a projector you'll only need pictures at 90dpi, or for printing with a
> medium quality you only need 150dpi, and doing a poster you'll need the
> whole 1200dpi.
> Sending the same file with the original 1200dpi pictures to everyone sure
> is a solution, but you'll see the waste of space. It doesn't have anything
> to do with odt file being compressed; there's juste *more* informations
> with bigger images. Other (impractical) solutions could be to maintain
> multiple version of the same file, or keep the images linked to multiple
> folder, and swap them outside of LibreOffice. Not good when you manipulate
> large documents.
> Now, what would be nice is a way to take an odt with such large pictures,
> and produce different versions suited for different needs. You keep the
> "original", and with the press of a button, produce a separate odt file
> where the pictures are scaled down appropriately (like the option in PDF
> export). From the discussion, it looks like MS Word have something like
> this, and while mimicking Word is not a necessity, I clearly see the need
> for such an option for LibreOffice power users.
> 2014-11-02 22:36 GMT+01:00 Tom Davies <tomc...@gmail.com>:
> > Cley seems to have created something like an Extension or maybe
> > independent program to automatically re-scale the byte-size of all images
> > in a document and i'd forgotten all about it.
> ​It was (is? I probably left it online) a separate tool. You could feed it
> an ODT, and produce a (hopefully) smaller ODT where all pictures are scaled
> to a given dpi.
> It was only a proof of concept: I didn't read the whole ODT spec or
> something. It works by looking in the XML for pictures links, and retrieve
> their "printing" size (in centimeters). It then scale down all linked
> images in the ODT archive, so that their size in pixels exactly meet their
> printing size for the specified DPI.
> For example, if you have a document with a picture set to 10x10cm, and the
> picture source is 4700x4700 pixels, the image is roughly at 1200dpi. When
> modified for printing at 150dpi, the picture would be scaled back to
> 590x590 pixels, drastically reducing the file size while keeping the
> expected output quality.
> (this also depend on scaling methods and other things, but it was the
> general idea).
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