At 10:40 07/11/2014 -0800, Frank Oberle wrote:
When I place the cursor at the beginning of a paragraph (left margin) in Writer and "insert" a graphic, it always defaults to being center-aligned. This isn't normally a big deal, but I need to put in a slew of these and it's therefore become tedious. Is there a way to change this default behavior so that Writer will always insert the graphic as right-aligned? I've wandered through all the setup menus I could think of, but can't find any such setting.

Inserted graphics appear to inherit the Graphics paragraph style. Select a graphic, open the Styles and Formatting window, right-click the Graphics paragraph style, and select Modify... . At Type | Position | Horizontal, select something such as Right to "Page text area". Future inserts will appear right-aligned.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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