Brandon wrote:
I would like to submit a large dictionary of medical terminology that
has already been compiled.  It seems that I can only create a new
dictionary on a word-by-word basis on the user end, and there doesn't
seem to be the option for me to submit directly to the site that
Writer links me to when I click "get more dictionaries online".
Please help me install this thing.  Thank you.

It wasn't clear to me if you're trying to install a custom dictionary so you can use it when you run Writer or if you're trying to submit a dictionary to (the site I'm taken to when I click the "Get more dictionaries online..." link in Tools->Options->Language Settings->Writing Aids).

For personal use, consider visiting which describes how to make a dictionary for hunspell, LibreOffice's spell checker, and how to get LibreOffice to see your new dictionary.

For adding a dictionary to, I'd consider reading the site's how-to documentation for contributing an extension to the site, and then asking if I had questions. I haven't gone through the process of submitting an LibreOffice extension there myself but I imagine part of that process involves filling out the form at so the site moderators know what to expect from your contribution.

If you decide to share your medical terminology dictionary, thanks for doing that. Such a dictionary sure sounds helpful.

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