At 18:01 28/01/2015 -0800, Mark Howe wrote:
Can you give me an example of a concatenation formula for a column of text merged with a column of numbers?
The resulting column would have the text and number in one cell.

You can concatenate values using the CONCATENATE() function or - more easily - using the & operator. I'm guessing that you might want an intervening blank between your text and the number, so you need something like
or just
=A1&" "&B1

This works equally with numbers, which are naturally converted to text on the fly. But remember that the number stored in a cell is not necessarily what you can see: this is also influenced by the cell formatting. The cell formatting of the number is not respected by the automatic conversion, which instead uses the full expression of the stored (or calculated) value. So you may instead wish to control this conversion using the TEXT() function, e.g.
=A1&" "&TEXT(B1;"0.000")
The format codes used in the TEXT() function are the same as you use (and can see) in the "Format code" box of the Format Cells dialogue.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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