At 10:33 12/02/2015 +0000, Gary Collins wrote:
Hopefully an easy question for someone :-)

Yup: so easy that there are two answers!

How to I turn off auto-generation of list entries (preferably without altering any other settings? I generally tend to find this feature a pain in the proverbials, and would much rather apply list formatting, etc using styles, after a document (or section of a document) has been completed. The problem really came to a head yesterday, when I was writing up some notes on language, and made some table headings (not an actual table, but one made "manually" using tabs) using M. F. N. (for masculine, feminine, neuter). LO completely reinterpreted this, and, when I pressed 'enter,'Â made it into the first entry of a list, supposing it to be the Roman numeral M, and inserting MI at the beginning of the new line. I was unable to find a way to eradicate this effectively, and had to stop what I was doing as a result.

Always think of keeping the facility and dealing it with it piecemeal when it happens. The action of pressing Enter to complete the first paragraph causes an automatic "correction" which you will notice. The correction is a separate process from the paragraph break that you actually want. So if you go *immediately* to Edit | Undo (or Ctrl+Z), you can remove the correction but retain the part you need.

I looked in "options" and I looked in "preferences" but couldn't see a way to turn off this behaviour. There was nothing in the paragraph style that I could see that should cause this behaviour.

If you really want to disable this correction process completely, remove the tick from Tools | AutoCorrect Options... | Options | Apply numbering - symbol: *.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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