That works like a charm, thanks Brian!


On Sat, 2015-02-21 at 11:00 +0000, Brian Barker wrote:

> At 10:51 21/02/2015 +0100, Patrick Dijkgraaf wrote:
> >I'm trying to use the IF statement in a Writer table, but it doesn't 
> >behave the way I expect. Probably I am doing something wrong. Can 
> >any of you help me?
> Only a limited range of functions is available in Writer tables and, 
> as far as I know, this does not include IF.
> >What I'm trying to achieve (in cell B1) is to print the value of 
> >cell A1 up to a maximum of 8. I thought the formula in cell B1 [ 
> >=IF(<A1>>8;8;<A1>) ]would to that:
> >  - If the value in cell A1 is larger than 8, print the number 8.
> >  - Otherwise, print the content of cell A1.
> You can achieve the effect you require using
> =MIN<A1>|8
> I trust this helps.
> Brian Barker

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