Brian Barker <> wrote:

> At 10:28 11/03/2015 +1300, David Love wrote:
> > What I want, in simple terms, is to determine the average number of
> > steps I am taking every week. Hopefully, this explanation will answer
> > the questions reaided.
> Not really!
> I think you've confirmed that the 10000 figure is irrelevant in the
> calculation. But your earlier statements that "if day 1 reaches a
> production of 10,000 units I want this figure entered" and "If days
> 1+2+3+4 total, say, 42,500 I want ... to show the average of 10,265"
> both indicate that the required result does not depend on other daily
> values. These contradict the idea that you simply want the true average
> of all seven values.
> Unsurprisingly, you can calculate averages using the AVERAGE() function.
> Incidentally, doesn't all this cry out for a table instead of a list?
> Put a week date (or date range) in column A, as you suggest. Enter your
> data for the days of that week in columns B to H of the same row. It's
> then particularly simple to calculate averages in column I. At the
> bottom of the columns, you could calculate averages for each weekday -
> and perhaps discover that you need to be more active on Thursdays!

Ha!  I constructed a table, as you suggested and, yes, it does meet my

Thanks for the suggestion, Brian.


David Love
Dogs wag their tail with their whole heart. 

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