Am 06.03.2015 um 15:44 schrieb Alexander Thurgood:
Le 06/03/2015 10:18, Andreas Säger a écrit :

Hi Andreas,

In a future step, I would like to integrate graphics into the
spreadsheet which could be created by a perl script with gnuplot from
data in the database; the images could reside in a directory and rows in
the database would have a field referring to the file name of the image.

Because all this has been implemented already to be used by anyone
without coding.
Hit F4 and drag your query into your favourite spreadsheet template.
Add spreadsheet formulas, (conditional) formatting, charts and stuff.
Finally, you may remove the "store data" flag from the import range so
the user is prompted to update the import range when opening this
document. All this works reliably out of the box.

Including the image link from the Gnuplot trace that the original poster
requested ? I think not, at least not without some other form of
programming magic to convert the filename to a URL and then insert it in
the sheet.

The GUI only solution you propose only works within the metes and bounds
of what the GUI can offer without programming. My understanding of the
original poster's question was that he was already considering a
programmable solution, at least for the images.

If you need programming within LO to get where you want, and you're
already using Perl for some of what you need, you might as well go to
whole hog, and do it all in Perl (or Python, or some other language that
lets you manipulate the document format).

Exactly: What the perl script does is way beyond the capabilities of a query and of formulas in a spread sheet.

Even letting aside that using the BASIC dialect of LO is very awkward (just think of the inability to return from a function ...) and that it doesn't even have a decent editor, LO is far too unreliable for anything like this.

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