At 07:37 24/03/2015 -0700, Graham Lovatt wrote:
If i have a list over a number of columns how would i create a new list of only certain rows from that list

If you want to do this dynamically, so that the sub-list updates automatically from the main list (as is suggested by your mentioning the VLOOKUP() function), the problem is complicated, I think. But if you are prepared to extract the sub-list manually, so that you would need to repeat the process each time you needed an updated sub-list from a modified main list, you can do this fairly easily using the Sort facility.

Yes i know that's as clear as mud so i've attached a example spreadsheet. The column starting at B14 has membership type with (C14) a name next to it - the actual sheet has more data. Each row below has different membership type and associated data. I want new lists based on the membership type. The main list may be sorted changing the order of the rows.

o Select all the main list range: all the relevant columns and rows.
o Go to Data | Sort... .
o On the Options tab, tick "Range contains column labels" or not - as appropriate.
o On the Sort Criteria tab, for "Sort by", select your membership type column.
o OK.
o Now select each sub-list range in turn and copy and paste the rows to form your new lists.

Since you say the order of entries in the original list does not need to be fixed, it would be possible to omit the final copying stage and use the sorted material in place. This would simplify what you need to do as the original list is edited: you would need just to repeat the sort, without the subsequent copying.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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