Good evening
I am struggling with the setup of a new computer (running Windows 8.1 ->
quite a nightmare!).
First I followed the onscreen instructions and set up a Microsoft
account AND did succed to
transfer my profile data to LibreOffice installation under that account.

Now I have changed my mind, set up a LOCAL account (with administrator
rights) and am trying the same.
However, I just cannot figure out, how to "reach" the location of the
profile under this account.

First account: "Thomas"
Second account "Thomas_2"

Under the first the profile is at: C:\users\Thomas\AppData" ....
The second account however does NOT display anything like "AppData".
Changing the folder properties a million times did so far not help.

Do I have to delete the first account?
Or must I change the location of the profile?

I appreciate your help.

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