Am 15.04.2015 um 14:34 schrieb martin f krafft:
> Dear list,
> we work with styles extensively. Occasionally, someone will make
> a mistake and e.g. apply "bold face" to a style. The problem is that
> it seems Calc irrevocably remembers this. We can now deselect "bold
> face", but then the style will incorporate "not bold", whereas
> before it simply made no statement about "bold face" and hence could
> be combined with direct formatting.
> Is there a way to return a style to defaults, or put differently,
> can a style definition be reduced somehow to just the attributes
> that I want to control?
> Thanks,


Not sure if I understand what you're after. The [Standard] button on the
style editor dialog resets all attributes to the attribute values of the
parent style.

Hope this helps,

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