On Slackware 14.1

My timings are


15 discontiguous rows  - instant response
500 discontiguous rows - about 5 seconds


15 discontiguous rows - about 15 secods
500 discontiguous rows - over 600 seconds and still waiting

Clearly one of the developers has done something which has dramatically improved things in Linux world. Whether 5 seconds, in 4.4.2, for 500 discontiguous rows is acceptable, I'll let others be the judge. If not raise a bug to draw out comments from the developers.


On 19/04/15 19:20, Andreas Säger wrote:
Am 19.04.2015 um 16:01 schrieb Tanstaafl:
On 4/19/2015 9:16 AM, Andreas Säger <ville...@t-online.de> wrote:
Am 19.04.2015 um 15:05 schrieb Tanstaafl:
After prior replies, it appears it may still be there in the 4.4.x
series, but maybe only on Windows.

I'll be installing the latest 4.4 soon, and will test some more before
opening a bug. Will report back here, and ask others to test a bit more
and comment, to try to determine

a) if it is indeed still there, and

b) if it is, is it windows only.

Thanks to all for replying...
Same behaviour with
LO 3.5
LO 4.4.2
AOO 4.1.1
tested under Windows (the latter 2) and Linux (all 3).
Hmmm... Graham replied that he saw no evidence of the problem on Linux
Mint with 4.4.2...

Graham? Can you confirm?

It really depends on how many rows you have selected.
And it does not happen with a selection of columns as you can see when
using my macro with the word Rows replaced with Columns.

With 500 selected rows there is a lag of several seconds.
With 5000 selected rows the CPU is used up for minutes.

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