At 12:55 30/04/2015 +0000, Maurice Noname wrote:
Using LO Writer on Linux Mageia-4.
I've got a document within which I would like to temporarily see displayed only those lines containing a given character string.

The first things to say is that word processors don't really have a concept of "lines": paragraphs flow naturally according to such things as fonts, font sizes, page size and orientation, margin settings, and so on. So what constitutes a line can vary as the document is edited. Of course, your lines may in fact be separate paragraphs.

Does writer have such a filter function?

o If you use Find & Replace, you will see a Find All button. This will highlight all the occurrences of your chosen search string. Is that as good as you need?

o If your "lines" are actually (short) paragraphs, you could use Find and Replace to search for ^.*xyz.*$ with "Regular expressions" ticked - where "xyz" is the required string. Find All will highlight all paragraphs containing "xyz".

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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