
This has been fixed for the 4.4.3 release--ref tdf#80960 

But, you will need to set Tools -> Options -> User data  "First / Last-name / 
initials" to have it reposition correctly on reopening.   And, at any time you 
can use <Shift>+F5  "Restore Edit View" to return to last edit position.


From: Thomas Blasejewicz <ny...@hb.tp1.jp>
Sent: Wednesday, May 6, 2015 7:47 PM
To: users@global.libreoffice.org
Subject: [libreoffice-users] last editing position

Good morning
I am using now Ver. and believe, I did ask this before.
When I close a document and then open it the next time, I would like the
cursor to move to the last editing position.
However, it ALWAYS positions itself at the top of the document. VERY
Personal data: entered and edited just to make sure something new is there.
I remember, that in earlier versions of LibreOffice, this sometimes DID

Intentionally setting bookmarks or reminders is NOT what I am looking for.

Is there somewhere a checkbox, that will make LibreOffice remember the
last editing position.

* Searching the net did not produce anything helpful.
Thank you.

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