This is still not what the OP wants.
It is possible to come close by saving the files when you are finished editing but keeping them open. Then kill Libreoffice (not File>Exit). On restarting LO next time it should ask to restore the files you had open.

Could also file a bug as a feature request

On 2015-05-28 07:03, Cley Faye wrote:
2015-05-27 19:46 GMT+02:00 Brian Barker <>:

No, he doesn't want it at start-up, it seems, but instead when he starts
LibreOffice. But something like this as a desktop shortcut or menu item
(not in the start-up folder) is no doubt ideal.

​Since we're talking windows (I missed that information from previous post,
sorry), making a shortcut that open multiple files is trivial. ​The only
"obstacle" would be to easily get all the file paths.

To create the shortcut (on the desktop or anywhere else really): in the
start menu, go to the LibreOffice entry (no need to use "calc"
specifically), and right-click-drag (drag with the right click) where you
want the shortcut. When releasing the mouse button, a menu show up giving
the occasion to create a shortcut.

At this point, the new shortcut can be edited (right click->properties). In
the "target" box, there's something that end with soffice.exe". You can put
file names after this. For example, the whole box could read like this
(including the quotes):

"C:\Program Files (x86)\LibreOffice 4\program\soffice.exe"
"E:\Documents\smth1.ods" "E:\smth2.odt"

Then click ok. That link will cause LibreOffice to open all the given

As a final hint, there's a way to *easily* get all the files you want, with
their path.
- Open a shell (no, it won't hurt) by pressing Win+R, and typing "cmd" as
the command
- In the shell, type (without the quotes of course): "more >
​- Drag'n'drop all your files one by one in the shell window​, pressing
space after each files
- When done, press return, then ctrl+c
- type "exit" to leave the shell

At this point, you have a file named "filelist.txt" on your desktop,
containing all files with full path. You just have to copy/paste this
string in your shortcut :)

​As said by others, I'd rather not see LibreOffice itself getting this
"feature". It is something that can be achieved rather easily in any OS.
One could argue that it's even *the point* of modern systems...​

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