On 01/09/15 15:47, Paul D. Mirowsky wrote:
Hello Mike

I might suggest you use something that is a little more direct.

Always a good idea... in spite of keeping a careful eye open, I missed the first two you listed.


Of these though, this first appears to be broken - lost completely the first set of chords I entered, so I'd not trust it with anything important. The output looks decidedly amateurish to my eye.

Looks better. But is only available in 32-bit form for linux -- an issue that goes back to 2009 at least. And recompiling needs proprietary software :-{ And it's not in the standard PPAs. Support looks a bit iffy.

The other programs you mention are much better known; however they're very heavyweight, and if either can do /all/ that I'm after, I can't see how :-{

However, many thanks for your reply. Always good to know what's around.

Mike Scott (unet2 <at> [deletethis] scottsonline.org.uk)
Harlow Essex England

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