On 10/06/2015 06:46 PM, Steve Edmonds wrote:
I found if you right click on the TXT numbering and restart numbering I could get numbered lists inside my outline numbering. I do this in my manuals where outline numbering is for chapters and the lists are for step by step procedures.

Thanks for the tip and it works.

But, I'm sure you'll appreciate that this is defeating one of the purposes of using paragraph styles. Using this method, one has to go into each paragraph following a heading and, using direct formatting, right click and select "restart numbering." And, then if you move paragraphs around, you have to go back and do it all over again. I've worked so hard to do away with direct formatting that this solution seems like a real step backward. There should be a style-level setting of "Restart Numbering after Intervening Paragraph" or something like that. If I recall, there is a bug report/feature request asking for this feature at the style formatting level.


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